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Joining Forces with Camp Alliance, Inc. to Assist Veterans

The Call Sign mission includes giving back to the communities that supported us for years as a military family.

We find ways to partner with like-minded organizations to contribute proceeds, products, in-kind services, time and passion, to support that mission.

We hit the ground running when recently moved the business to Northwest Arkansas.  We connected with an amazing non-profit organization, Camp Alliance, Inc,  that offers resources to the military, veterans and their families living or returning to Arkansas.  

We were invited to become board members and quickly accepted as Camp Alliance is a nonprofit that assists veterans, military and their families to needed programs and resources in Arkansas.

This ROCK STAR pictured with Lisa is Laura Hopkins, who furthers the Camp Alliance cause through hard work. We put our heads together recently discussing the holiday meal program for Arkansas military families, and the uber important extended childcare issue.

Not only does Laura work hard to help military families, she is a graphic designer who designs our labels and designs logos for other #VOBs. Her website for a snippet of her work is

Camp Alliance, Inc. (also featured on our partner page) is a state and national award-winning 501c3 charitable organization established in 2010 with the purpose to serve the United States Armed Forces; in order to compliment the Department of Defense's Military Unit and family mission readiness programs.

This is accomplished by 1) providing needed programs and resources for military unit and family readiness 2) by engaging the civilian community (individuals, organizations and businesses) in order to supplement and/or address unit resources and program shortfalls. Camp Alliance is accomplishing our mission through partnerships with State military leadership, government officials and community. Our primary focus is on the military and family through the following; Kids in Drill, Career & Resource Readiness, Purple Up! for Military kids and the Silver Star Gift Programs.​

#military #veterans #arkansas #nwarkansas #campalliance #nationalguard #armynationalguard #airnationalguard #militaryfamily #armyreserves #airforcereserve #coffeewithacause #missiondriven #giveback #community #purpleup